Ace x Teeny Tiny CONFIRMED DUE JAN 24TH!

This is an in-house breeding for the books! Teeny Tiny is a maskles quad trindle and Ace is a new shade isabella and tan merle! Expecting a rainbow of quality! Teeny Tiny is only 15lbs and super super compact. Can’t wait to see the outcome of this one!

Ace x Teeny Tiny CONFIRMED DUE JAN 24TH!

El Camino X PudgyBull’s Fame CONFIRMED!!! DUE JAN, 9TH

El Camino was bred to our homegrown Fame! Breeding is now complete and due on Jan 9th. Expecting all Lilac and tan/trindle and same in merle also. Some will carry fluffy, some will carry rojo, and some may carry both! We are very excited to meet these babies!

Chop Suey X BB now complete! Puppies due Jan 7th! CONFIRMED!!!!

Chop Suey X BB now complete! Puppies due Jan 7th! CONFIRMED!!!!
Very excited for this litter! Expecting a rainbow of colors and all will be quads, plus we will have some beyond top quality fluffy carriers in here!

Twinkie x Jäger! SOLD OUT

Babies are here! Check our for sale page for availability!
Babies are here! Check our for sale page for availability!

El Pollo Loco X Daphne! Puppies are here! (All reserved)

El Pollo Loco X Daphne! Puppies are here! (All reserved)